
Formed in 2002 by Maël and Emmanuel, Shadyon is a French group of Progressive Heavy Metal. After some demos, the band released their first album in 2006. It was very well received around the world. This first Opus opened to the group the doors of Brazil, the country in which it realized its first international tour.
Thanks to this Brazilian appearance at the Roça’n’roll Festival in front of 3000 people, Shadyon was broadcast on MTV Brazil and gets a sponsorship with WSL guitars. This trip was an opportunity for members of the group to share the stage with Angra and Shaman at the Blackmore Bar in Sao Paulo and play at the Manifesto Bar (Sao Paulo), legendary Brazilian venue in which Metallica, Iron Maiden and The Scorpions among others had played!
During the year 2008 Shadyon starts to work on their next album, and after some changes of members and a lot of work, a contract is signed with Inner Wound Recordings at the beginning of 2010. The album ” Mind Control ” is released in September of the same year. Shadyon combines progressive parts, powerful riffs and AOR melodies, and manages to create their own progressive melodic metal style.
Their musical inspiration is quite broad and is particularly close to groups such as Toto, Devin Townsend, Dream Theater, ArK, In Flames, Winger and Evergrey. The topics covered revolve around paranormal activities, and explore the interaction between the unconscious and the perceived world. Led by the emotional song of Emmanuel, Shadyon presents with “Mind Control” a mature album.
It is very well received by magazines, webzines. Over the albums, Shadyon also played in opening Evergrey and Dark Age. Currently Shadyon is working on the successor of ” Mind Control ”, following a new change of line up Shadyon returns on stage with the preparation of a third album in progress, Solo guitarist Shad Mae released his solo album under the name of Devoid with guests Henrik dough (Evergrey) Matthias Ia Enklundh (Freak Kitchen), Magnus Karlsson (Primal Fear) …
On his side, Emmanuel released an album with the symphonic metal band Equinox, and participated in 2018 in the show La Voix au Québec Shadyon is once again ready to find the scene more motivated and determined than ever.
Shadyon est a nouveau prêt à retrouver la scène plus motivé et déterminé que jamais.